Why is My Air Conditioner Leaking?

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Written By MatthewWashington

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At some point in their lifetimes, all homeowners will notice water accumulating around their air conditioners. Most often this puddle of liquid is harmless; however, in rare instances an AC leak requires professional assistance. This article will help you understand why there’s an AC leak so that you can address it and prevent further damage to occur. Aircon service are confident you will be delighted when we meet all your air conditioner requirements in Singapore. As one of the premier companies providing air conditioner service in Singapore, Aircon service guarantee quality work at competitive rates – allowing you to experience cool comfort from your unit with reduced chances of damage arising! With us on board, your unit should remain operating efficiently so we guarantee you an uninterrupted cooling experience and less chance of future malfunction.

Is Water Pooling Under Your AC a Problem?

The simple answer? It depends!

Are you experiencing extreme temperatures this summer? Leaky or sweaty AC systems can become increasingly problematic under these extreme circumstances as the unit struggles to keep your home cool.

Notice the growth pattern of puddles forming. Do they form when your unit stops working properly, which should not be an encouraging sign.

Does the pool dry up over time? An AC puddle should eventually evaporate once temperatures cool off; however, if water continues to accumulate for multiple days after it should have vanished then measures can be taken.

What Does Normal Condensation Look Like?

On a humid or hot day, it is not unusual for an AC unit to accumulate condensation on its exterior and rear. This pool of water collects condensation that has collected along its perimeter and rear.

After the temperature has settled down, leakage and condensation should cease. If not, and drips and pooling continue over time it is likely a sign of trouble.

Possible Causes for Leakage in Your AC Unit

Once you’ve determined that puddles aren’t caused by inclement weather, you have found the source of their formation – though there may be various contributing factors involved.

From the most obvious to less known causes, here are some possible leaks in your AC:

  • Clogged Condensate Line
  • Frozen Evaporator Coils
  • Low Refrigerant Charge
  • Broken Drain Pan
  • Missing Insulation on Suction Line
  • Broken Condensate Pump
  • Poor Installation
  • Let’s take a closer look at each of these issues.

Clogged or Disconnected Drain (Condensate) Line

Blockages or disconnections in the drainage line are one of the primary sources of leaks, providing an escape route for condensation produced by your AC unit and providing relief from humidity generated in your home.

How Can I Fix It?

In order to unclog a drain, it is necessary to thoroughly clean it. Locate the drip pan beneath your unit, drain any extra water out, and wash with warm soap and water before wiping dry with paper towel. Also locate where your drain line exits (typically near an exterior AC unit), taking off its cap to release any visible build-up or debris that has formed; return inside and access point; unlatch lid then run white vinegar through line to clear it further.

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Frozen Evaporator Coils

Evaporator coils are responsible for eliminating both heat and humidity in the air. Situated within an indoor unit, these refrigerant-based devices use refrigeration fluid to capture heat from its surroundings before discharging it through condenser coils into condenser units for release into the atmosphere.

Your coils could be dirty, which prevents heat absorption. Clean them regularly until all dirt and dust have been eliminated from them.

Another problem could be caused by a dirty air filter. Filters are designed to filter contaminants out of our air; however, when they become overfilled they could create airflow issues and slow airflow significantly. Be sure to change out your filter every three months to ensure optimal performance.

Are You Experienceing Airflow Issues Due to Malfunction, Duct Damage or Low Refrigerant Levels or Blocked Drains?? It could be that something is preventing air from passing freely into the room or drains.

Low Refrigerant Charge

Refrigeration for air conditioners relies on refrigerant as a chemical substance to provide cooling. It absorbs heat from interior air before transporting it outside through condenser coils to be released back into the environment through condensers coils. Without enough refrigerant, coils could freeze up leading to condensation leakage from leakage into closed loop systems unless there’s an actual leak somewhere within. Our team can conduct a comprehensive HVAC system inspection and perform repairs where necessary.

Drain Pan is Cracked or Rusted

Drain pans are vessels designed to store and contain fluids that leak out of an AC, protecting surrounding floors by safely containing it and providing easy disposal. If the drain pan becomes damaged or cracked it could allow condensation to spill onto the floor causing problems with condensation build-up; should this be the source of your AC troubles then replacing it immediately should be on your priority list!

Worn or Missing Insulation on Suction Line

Suction lines (sometimes known as refrigerant lines) are two pipes made from copper that connect outdoor and indoor units, serving to transport refrigerant gas from low pressure out of the evaporator to compressor for compression into high-pressure gas for cooling purposes. Insulation should be used on this line to increase efficiency, alleviate compressor strain and minimize condensation build-up; failing which may result in even bigger issues that require costly repairs later.

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Broken Condensate Pump

Condensate pumps are an accessory used when an AC is located in an area where its cooling process cannot drain directly to a drainage point via gravity alone. A condensate pump collects this extra moisture created during its cooling process and pumps it to an approved drainage point, thus preventing build-up and damage to equipment or the surrounding environment. Not all ACs require one, but if yours has one and you are experiencing leakage issues then we suggest having an expert take a look!

Installation Problems

Another possible explanation for why your AC isn’t functioning might be inadequate installation, which usually requires system adjustments to properly function. Unfortunately, this might not always be down to your technician; concrete pads may deteriorate over time and shift in their position which causes issues for the system. There could also be leakage issues caused by poorly constructed condensate traps which prevent mold or bacteria entering through condensate lines; if these traps are either too large or too small then leakage issues could quickly ensue.

Common Issues That Show Up At the Same Time

Other problems with AC tend to appear once leakage begins, including:

  • Less Cooling Power
  • Vents Blowing Warm Air
  • Hissing or Gurgling Sounds

If you are experiencing any of these problems with your leak, reach out to our team immediately!

What Should I Do If My AC Is Leaking?

If you’re uncertain of the source of your leak, it may be beneficial to temporarily switch off your unit until an investigation has taken place and its source has been established. This will prevent overworking of the system which could lead to its components failing and prevent unnecessary expenses caused by an expensive compressor breakdown.

Reach out to your HVAC provider, and arrange for an inspection, to make sure that everything is running as it should be.

What Is the Difference Between a Refrigeration Leak and Water Leaks?

Leaks in refrigerant are generally harder to detect due to how quickly it evaporates before pooling in pools; on the other hand, water takes longer to evaporate, which makes any leaks more apparent. As an indication of refrigerant leakage you might notice other indicators first such as decreased performance of AC before you spot any physical evidence of leaks themselves.

What Is More Expensive: Heating or Cooling?

Have you been amazed at your energy bill during winter or air conditioning expenses during summer and wondered which system costs more to operate?

According to research, heating your home requires four times the energy used when air conditioning it; but variables could change this equation significantly for you.


Discover what can make a difference in cooling or heating your house.

Is Heat More Expensive Than AC?

Heating your home is generally more costly than cooling it; however, those living in warmer climates will generally pay more on air conditioning because they use it for an increased percentage of time as opposed to their heating system less often. As soon as there’s a significant disparity between thermostat settings inside and outside temperature conditions, HVAC will run more frequently, increasing energy costs further.

Northern regions of the US often experience greater variations between what your thermostat (typically 65-75 degree setting) and outside temperatures (often below freezing) during winter than during summer, leading to larger temperature differences between indoor and outside settings – typically 30 inches difference! This means our heating systems must come on more often and operate longer compared to their counterparts in use during the warmer seasons.

Why Heating Takes More Energy?

Heating systems in homes should be designed for maximum efficiency. Heating the air requires energy; air conditioners remove it. Both ACs are powered by electricity while heating systems use various forms of fuel (electricity, propane or natural gas) that have different cost structures based on location or market fluctuations; which affect their costs accordingly.

Does Air Conditioning Cost More Than Heat in the South?

United States of America lies within the northern hemisphere, so most Americans live thousands of miles away from the Equator. Residents in states with warmer temperatures such as Florida, Mississippi, Texas, and Arizona pay more in cooling costs annually than heating costs; these states make up 20 percent of American households. Even when paying more for air conditioning than heating costs each year in warm states like these Florida Mississippi Texas Arizona homeowners still gain efficiency benefits with an average central AC unit being three to four percent more energy-efficient.

Air Conditioning Use Is Increasing

Even as air conditioner manufacturers have improved the efficiency of their equipment in recent years, demand for air conditioning continues to surge. More than 80 percent of American houses now include some form of AC system. As more people move into warmer states, more often turning on air conditioning is being activated within homes – meaning more people turn on AC more often when living there.

Climate change is another contributing factor; as temperatures across the nation continue to increase along with heatwave intensity and frequency, demand for air conditioning increases even in parts of the nation where air conditioners may not have been commonly available before. Luckily, air conditioner technology has advanced; variable speed ACs can reduce energy use by as much as 30%!